Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cape Town!

We've arrived! Our forerunners in the form of Alex and Quinn have already arrived in Cape Town and set off around SA commencing their jobs as two of Getty's nine official FIFA Photographers. The balance of our squad, Lars of Germany, Laurence of Britain, Jamie of 'Cashmere', Carl the IT guru, Dan the Newsguy and myself are chauffeured to our pad near Fish Hoek, south of Cape Town. We are hosted by Peter and Sylvia and the staff at the Dunvegan B&B which is in the heart of vacation land for others, but will serve as a home base for us and distraction from our chasing the Cup. It's a lovely villa with space enough for each of us to have our own private rooms. Several decks offering wonderful views, hot tub, bar, et al. Civilization.

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