Monday, June 21, 2010

My Second First Day Of Winter

And the rain came down...

Lightening might not strike twice, but for me winter did. I had another shortest day of the year today as winter came to South Africa. And along with winter came a warm rain. Modern day weather data is fascinating but we found it hard to believe that the two hours it was predicted to rain today were the two hours in which Portugal and North Korea were to play in Cape Town. As we burned time in the media center prior to the match, we listened to the rain pounding on the tent roof. We could only hope the forecast was off by a few hours and the rain would clear up before game time. It stopped right on queue 90 minutes before kick off and we took our places on the pitch. With ominous clouds still gathered overhead I bundled all my gear up in rain covers and plastic bags just in case. I always hope that the preventions help ward off the precip but in this case, no chance. The ball was put in play and the rain came down. 3mm were predicted and I swear we have 3cm by the half. With everything drenched, the rain stopped late in the second half and I was able to pack my soaking wet gear with out the stress of rain filling my bags. Off to Durban tomorrow for the beginning of the third matches in the opening round. Teams will start going home tomorrow and we will have 18 more days until the final.

Portugal drubbed North Korea 7-0


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