Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Penguin Hunting

Our only commitment today was to be audience for Jason and Viktor from the '7 Arrows' private security firm that was hired by Getty in help insure our safety. After yet another lovely breakfast, Carl, Jamie, Laurence and I set off to find the Penguin colony that dwells down the shore of the bay. We spent midday driving between rain showers and sunshine in search of Penguins! We found the national seashore but decided to take a diversion and find the buggers on our own. I guess the furry birds like to lay low or they're off doing their jobs in the height of the day. There were few to see and they were not very active, mostly hunkered down in the brush with their babes. We will go back. After some more window shopping we returned to the villa to meet our private security guardians. They make a good living at increasing our awareness and calming our nerves and telling us we will have no idea what to do if danger rears its ugly head, but just try and breathe deep and if all else fails call us....we'll be there.

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