Saturday, June 19, 2010

Under The South African Stars

Under the Stars, photo by 'Ronny' Regan
The end of the work week came to a head with three big games representing three of the four nations that comprise our team. We were joined by Michael 'Ronny' Regan our staffer that is following the England squad. On the eve of Friday's matches, Ronny wowed us with his celestial photography as we took turns posing with the Milky Way. To start the day, Lars' German team who was coming off their 4-0 drubbing of Australia to face Serbia. We were all shocked, none as much as Lars, at the German loss in which they had to play most of the game a man down. After the conclusion we headed off to work. On the drive to Green Point, where we would photograph England v Algeria, I listened to the start of the USA v Slovenia match. We arrived at the half and well, I am tired of going over this one again and again..... I witnessed the robbery of the USA's game winning 86th minute goal in the media center. As bummed as I was about that, it doesn't seem to match how gutted Ronny, Alex, Jamie and Laurence were over the hideously boring 0-0 draw that England played to.

We have finally coasted in to our first couple days off. Earned, deserved and needed. We had a few errands to run, camera repair shop, camera store, shopping, long late lunch, scenic drive and back home. Feels nice to be able to catch our breath and not be stressed about catching planes, battling photogs, standing lines, etc. The waterfront is Cape Town was packed with World Cup watchers. England, Brazil, Algeria, Netherlands represented as well as South Africa, and more for sure. Our forced habits carry through into so many aspects of our daily life including going to the same restaurant that we ate at the last time we were are the waterfront two weeks ago. There is a big stage and television screen in the plaza and it was standing room only to watch the Japan v Netherlands match broadcast from Durban. We took the coastal route home and made a few stops for some snaps at the vistas. The tough part of the day was watching all the cyclists headed up and down the coast road. I was a little dubious about how safe cycling might be here, but I now convinced it must be ok seeing the number of people out there. The coastal road is a scenic drive and a toll road so traffic is minimal and slow, the biggest threat might be a driver distracted by the stunning views of the Atlantic and threatening cliffs.

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